In Jim Cook's Archive


When I was a young man everybody worked. If you’ll excuse the analogy, we were like a colony of worker ants. Now things have changed. We’re more like a colony of bees. Among the bees, busy workers gather pollen and convert it to honey. In addition to all the good they do, worker bees support a large population of drones who do nothing but consume honey. It’s sort of a welfare state.

The bees must have some kind of natural selection that keeps them from getting too many drones or they would die off. Unfortunately, we don’t have a similar brake on the number of drones in human society. In fact, we have enormous incentives that encourage people to become drones. It’s incredibly expensive to maintain a large growing population of drones. You have to house them, feed them, take care of them, try to keep them healthy and give them spending money.

The nice thing about drones in the bee colony is that they don’t become delinquents and misbehave. However, we’re not that lucky with human drones. That’s because being a drone is really quite boring and if you raise a little hell, it solves the boredom problem. Worker bees don’t seem to mind the drones gobbling up the honey in the hive. That’s not the case with a lot of human workers who pay high taxes to support drones. They question the morality of a drone living off their earnings. Perhaps that moral dilemma explains the poor character and bad behavior of the human drones. In the beehive that would earn you a sting. In the human hive, it earns you more money.

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