Cook: How did your interest in silver begin?
Bingham: My father was the inspiration. He had brought to my attention an interesting fact about the Manhattan Project, that it required a lot of silver to enrich the uranium. This piqued my curiosity and opened the deepest rabbit hole I ever came across as a researcher.
Cook: What did you do with Wall Street Silver?
Bingham: I am the current steward of the Wall Street Silver community on Reddit. Unfortunately, our movement was started by charlatans that took advantage of our community for their profit, but I and others stepped up after we discovered what was happening and have since cleaned it up. Wall Street Silver is community-focused, and we do everything we can to keep the community safe from bad actors and give silver stackers a place to get together and discuss this crazy market.
Cook: What does SilverWars do?
Bingham: We’re an independent citizen-journalism publication specializing in Open Source/Human Intelligence to uncover the malfeasance in the silver resource sector that was discovered after the emergence of #SilverSqueeze in 2021.
Cook: How do you do that?
Bingham: We are researchers. We are strategists. We are content creators. We are promoters. We are graphic artists. We are journalists. We wear the hat that is needed to get the mission done.
Cook: Ok, so, what have you found?
Bingham: Our team discovered that the military-industrial complex has been the greatest beneficiary of the suppression of silver prices by its egregious, non-reported use of this critically important material since slightly before the advent of the Atomic Age.
Cook: Why is silver so critically important?
Bingham: There is no substitute for silver’s superior properties that make it the most conductive metal with the highest thermal conductivity of any element. Silver also plays a crucial role in today’s high-tech world and is the linchpin to the whole Green Energy transition. Silver can no longer be used as a monetary metal because there is not enough to satisfy global industrial demand and leading experts expect all known aboveground silver reserves to be depleted by 2050.
Cook: How is SilverWars confronting this?
Bingham: Our goal with SilverWars is to bring awareness of the critical nature of silver for our national security and economic prosperity. The upcoming year is important for silver because the United States Geological Survey must update their list of critical raw materials. All our research indicates that silver must be recognized as critical, especially to counteract Chinese aggression.
Cook: Is China hoarding silver?
Bingham: Yes, their current Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) market arbitrage is currently draining the West due to the price differential (Napoleon did the same thing to flow silver coins into France in the past).
Cook: How serious is this?
Bingham: China is attempting to monopolize the silver supply chains and cut off future U.S. supply. This situation is alarming, so we are spearheading the awareness towards Critical Silver. We must stockpile silver for the future, now!
Cook: What is the worst-case scenario based on the silver data you discovered?
Bingham: If nothing is done about the silver situation, the U.S. will not meet its Net-Zero commitment around the globe. The Green Energy transition is threatened by there not being enough silver to satisfy all the modern industrial needs for this metal. We believe that it’s going to come down to the simple decision: Peace or War on how this scarce resource is allocated.
Cook: That’s quite a claim.
Bingham: Resource scarcity has historically bred conflict. Before the globe is plunged into unending silver wars, people may wish to consider alternatives such as holding physical silver in their own possession. You can literally hold the fate of the world in your hands, and you don’t have to leave this up to governments or institutions to decide. The physical holdings of silver are the aboveground reserves experts expect to be depleted by 2050. You are the hope for humanity.