As a worrisome crime wave explodes across the Twin Cities, members of the Minneapolis City Council this week introduced a plan to cut millions from the police department’s budget. They also proposed a limit on the hiring of new police recruits. That’s in the face of 500 shootings so far this year in Minneapolis and hundreds of car-jackings, armed robberies, muggings, violent altercations and vandalism. Speaking of the latter, a statue of George Washington was toppled and ruined over the weekend and a monument that depicted pioneer families was defaced. The liberal government and the media almost condone the damage and the Minneapolis Park Board, in charge, promises to look at the monument through a “racial equity lens.”
Also this week, the geniuses on the Minneapolis school board approved the requirement for all students to take an ethnic studies class before they graduate from high school. The class will “explore identities” and “prioritize the history and culture of historically marginalized groups.” One can only hope that the curriculum includes the success stories of recent immigrants from Africa and Asia as well as successful minorities here in the land of opportunity. More likely it will feature grievances and complaints about what happened 400 years ago up until the present. Nobody should be taught they have an excuse for failing or that somebody else is to blame. The course should strive to bring us together rather than pull us apart.
As liberals take over the government, you can see by what’s happening in Minneapolis the ultimate direction of the new administration. It doesn’t look good for safety and security.