The term “useful idiots” is thought to have been first used by Lenin to describe those who helped his communist revolution, but didn’t completely understand his argument or who deviated in its practice. Today’s liberals and progressives are useful idiots in the sense that they are aiding the adoption of socialism, but don’t suspect that’s the case. Wikipedia defines useful idiots as a term for people who are propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of.
Liberals believe the government must intervene in the free market and heavily regulate capitalism. It’s called the mixed economy. However, there is no middle road between capitalism and socialism. The mixed economy is merely a transition phase from capitalism to socialism. Government intervention as espoused by progressives is a slippery slope; regulation never stops increasing, taxes rise continuously, and government programs grow relentlessly. This is the descent into socialist hell as practiced in Venezuela. Today’s useful idiots never see the utter failure of their liberal social programs or their Keynesian economic policies. They just push for more of the same. They play into the hands of those who hate America and want to destroy it. Liberals are the useful idiots of the far left.