In Jim Cook's Archive


We condensed a recent news article in the Minneapolis newspaper.

“Multiple children were drinking alcohol and some were reportedly smoking marijuana in the house where a 3-year-old girl was found Monday night with a 0.12 percent blood-alcohol level.

“The children’s mothers are sisters, age 32 and 31, each have six children ranging from 1 to 15. The petitions in juvenile court describe a chaotic scene where police found the toddler unresponsive, ‘fresh vomit all over the house’ and drunken adults yelling to each other.

“The 3-year-old drank Windsor Canadian whisky after the girl’s 14-year-old brother gave it to her in a cup and said it was juice, court documents said.

“A 5-year-old daughter told authorities that she and three cousins, two of whom are 4 and 6, also drank alcohol.

“According to court documents: Police officers noticed a ‘thick haze of smoke’ and a strong smell of marijuana in the home. Children were smoking marijuana. Officers also found liquor spilled on the floor and soiled clothes and food strewn about the house.

“The 3-year-old’s eyes were wide open but were glazed over and she was unresponsive.

“Officers found a juvenile male who appeared intoxicated and smelled strongly of alcohol crawling out a window. Adults home at the time – police have said there were four – were drunk and unable to dress the children.

“One mother was previously convicted of second-degree murder in 1997 and sentenced to five years in prison in the stabbing death of a woman. She has been the subject of five child-protection reports dating to 2000, including a finding of sexual abuse and endangerment regarding one of her daughters.

“The other mother’s record includes theft convictions. She had multiple contacts with County Child Protection, most stemming from domestic assaults.”

If you think pre-schoolers smoking marijuana are a rarity, you’re wrong. It’s not uncommon among the urban underclass. That says nothing about sexual promiscuity, thievery, drug peddling and violence among pre-teens and young adults. It’s a social mess of staggering proportions brought to you by our liberal social thinkers and bureaucrats. Social agencies are so incompetent and corrupt they will not remove an innocent child or even a tiny infant from abusive, chemically dependent mothers with scumbag boyfriends. Sexual and physical abuse goes unnoticed and ignored. These brutes are killing infants and children accidentally or on purpose with alarming frequency. Unfortunately, little kids who survive these toxic mothers, relatives and boyfriends are likely to grow up to be hoodlums themselves. This is the circle of dependency and crime that government is purchasing for you with your own money. Your tax dollars fund social programs that produce grossly dysfunctional criminals and addicts. Unfortunately, your grandchildren face the prospect of life among swelling numbers of remorseless criminals.

Our cities are full of similar horror stories. Social programs that pay unwed mothers for every child they have only encourages the least responsible to have multiple births. By some estimates, the birth rate of the underclass is three times greater than that of the general population. There’s a million little kids in our country whose character is being ruined by lack of love, chaotic behavior and bad example. Alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals are not fit to raise children. Social workers should be tarred and feathered for leaving babies with these lowlifes. If you took these infants away from the clowns raising them and put them in good homes, twenty years from now they’d be graduating from college instead of going to prison.

We’re worrying about the wrong things in this country. What could be more important than protecting little children from criminally negligent adults? What could be more important than transferring kids from behavioral hellholes into loving, secure homes or even orphanages. Prohibitions against interracial adoptions are the insane handiwork of liberal social workers. The American people will step up and save these children if given a chance. For that to happen, the liberals must see the gravity of the problem and admit their policies have caused this social mayhem. Frankly, I think they would rather turn their back on these kids than admit their socialist claptrap is bankrupt.

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