In Jim Cook's Archive


We have to be careful about what we say when it comes to people’s money. For example, we can’t say silver is going to $100. We could quote somebody who said that. Or we could say silver is going to $100 an ounce, but, on the other hand, it could also go down by half. So, we don’t bother to say any of that. We can’t guarantee price gains or make assurance that there is no risk. We can’t give you any assurances, and we can’t predict the future. However, I can tell you what I think.

I think that the huge short position in silver makes it certain that, over the long term, silver will go up. Silver is probably riskless for long-term holders of physical silver and price gains are inevitable. I think the concentrated short position insures that you can’t lose and that you must inevitably make dramatic gains. Once you understand the dynamics of the huge concentrated short position, you may see one of the greatest financial opportunities of your lifetime. What is sold short must eventually be bought back. I think silver is almost a sure thing, and you may never get a chance to profit like this again. Silver is as good as it gets. That’s what I think. Time could prove me wrong, but I don’t think so.

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